左衛門尉に語つて云く、王地に生れたれば身をば随えられたてまつる - Even if it seems that, because I was born in the ruler’s domain, I follow him in my actions, I will never follow him in my heart.

衛門尉に語つて云く、王地に生れたれば身をば 随えられたてまつるやうなりとも 心をば随えられたてまつるべからず 念仏の無間獄・禅の天魔の所為なる事は疑いなし 殊に真言宗が此の国土の大なる わざはひにては候なり 大蒙古を調伏せん事・真言師には仰せ付けらるべからず 若し 大事を真言師・調伏するならば いよいよ いそいで此の国ほろぶべし と 申せしかば 頼綱 問うて云く いつごろよせ候べき、予 言く 経文には いつとは みへ候はねども 天の御気色 いかり すくなからず・きうに見へて候 よも 今年はすごし候はじ と語りたりき
撰時抄(287頁) 建治元年12
 国家権力の実質的な執行者である平左衛門尉 頼綱に、

*「王地に生れたれば身をば 随えられたてまつるやうなりとも 心をば随えられたてまつるべからず」の御文は、ユネスコ(国連教育科学文化機関)が世界中の人権闘争を編纂した『語録 人間の権利』にも収録されています。
English Translations

" The selection of the Time "

when I said to Saemon-no-jō: “Even if it seems that, because I was born in the ruler’s domain, I follow him in my actions, I will never follow him in my heart. There can be no doubt that the Nembutsu leads to the hell of incessant suffering, and that the Zen school is the work of the heavenly devil. And the True Word school in particular is a great plague to this nation of ours. The task of praying for victory over the Mongols should not be entrusted to the True Word priests! If so grave a matter is entrusted to them, then the situation will only worsen rapidly and our country will face destruction.”
[Hei no Saemon-no-jō] Yoritsuna then asked, “When do you think the Mongols will attack?”
I replied, “The sacred scriptures do not indicate the time. But the signs show that heaven is extremely angry. It would appear that the attack is imminent. It will probably occur before this year has ended.”
"The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin", Vol.1, p 579

Liberal translations.
Nichiren said to the power's state substantial "Heino-saemon-no-jō-yoritsuna".
"A body's and status's being ruled by a monarch even if but Samurai-the Japanese knight -is born in the land a king is ruling for you, it isn't supposed to seem that even a heart is ruled by a monarch.
 The Japanese world must be that the cause in disorder is because a wrong law is being used for government. The True Word school is the main culprit specifically and a big misfortune bury of an earthquake disaster, the weather badness, a solar eclipse, a lunar eclipse, a big comet appearance, a mighty famine and a pestilence gets up at this place.
 You aren't supposed to leave arbitration with the Mongol Empire to the True Word teacher. The Mongolian emperor who takes for Japan, and is a serious matter If arbitration with a country is left to the True Word teacher, Japan will be to fall suddenly."
 Yorituna questioned. "Around what time is the offensive of the Mongol Empire?"
 Nichiren answered. "It isn't being written on a sutra about time. As far as how things fall out in heaven is seen, but anger of the gods against which Japan is defended seems intense. The Mongolian attack to Japan is very close, and there would be a maraud by the end of this year."
 [ But, the Advice to Nichiren's government wasn't used after that, and Nichiren came to be blamed more intensely. But there was a raid from Mongolia in the Japanese south in the year as Nichiren predicted. ]

* This Nichiren's words: " Even if it seems that, because I was born in the ruler's domain, I follow him in my actions, I will never follow him in my heart. " : are quieted in Birthright of Man:Selected Texts, published in 1968 by UNESCO [ United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization] to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the enactment of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
 And, This free translation, "Even if it seems that a body and status are ruled by a monarch now that I was born in the country a monarch is ruling, it isn't supposed to seem that even a heart is ruled by monarch's concerned condition.", interpretation was written.  An implication is different from sentences of Gosho.
 This is because it was learned from the guidance to which much Gosho in Nihchiren Daishonin and a teacher of SOKA GAKKAI successive generations say , "Catch a matter multilaterally." by interpretation by writer's egocentric opinion, and thought " It might be possible to see a life-style as a person, not the viewpoint as the Samurai knight with a heart of the mercy Nichiren Daishonin tried to explain in the Heino-saemon-no-jō which is a Samurai knight through slander."
[ --- ] is liberal translation

参考文献:「御書をひもとく」「英語で学ぶ御書」 第三文明社
Bibliography : "The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin"
"The Record of The Orally Transmitted Teachings"



人のために火をともせば・我がまへあきらかなるがごとし - if one lights a fire for others, one will brighten one’s own way.

湿れる木より火を出し乾ける土より水を儲けんが如く強盛に申すなり - praying as earnestly as though to produce fire from damp wood, or to obtain water from parched ground.

蒼蝿驥尾に附して万里を渡り 碧蘿松頭に懸りて千尋を延ぶ - A blue fly, if it clings to the tail of a thoroughbred horse, can travel ten thousand miles, and the green ivy that twines around the tall pine can grow to a thousand feet.