妙法と唱へ蓮華と読まん時は我が一念を指して妙法蓮華経と名くるぞと深く信心を発すべきなり - When you chant myōhō and recite renge,1 you must summon up deep faith that Myoho-renge-kyo is your life itself.

妙法蓮華経と唱へ持つと云う(いう)とも若し(もし)己心の外こしん の そと に)法あり と思はば(おもわば) 全く妙法にあらず 粗法(そほう)なり
粗法は今経(こんきょう)にあらず 今経にあらざれば方便(ほうべん)なり 権門(ごんもん)なり、
方便 権門の教ならば 成仏の直道(じきどう に)あらず 成仏の直道にあらざれば 多生曠劫(たしょう こうごう)の修行を経て成仏すべきにあらざる 故に一生成仏(いっしょうじょうぶつ)叶いがたし、故に(ゆえ に)妙法と唱へ 蓮華と読まん時は 我が一念を指して 妙法蓮華経と名くるぞ (なづくるぞ と)深く信心を発す(ほっす)べきなり。

一生成仏抄(1169頁) 建長7年



English Translations

" On Attaing Buddhahood in This lifetime "

Nevertheless, even though you chant and believe in Myoho-renge-kyo, if you think the Law is outside yourself, you are embracing not the Mystic Law but an inferior teaching. “Inferior teaching” means those other than this [Lotus] sutra, which are all expedient and provisional. No expedient or provisional teaching leads directly to enlightenment, and without the direct path to enlightenment you cannot attain Buddhahood, even if you practice lifetime after lifetime for countless kalpas. Attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime is then impossible. Therefore, when you chant myōhō and recite renge,1 you must summon up deep faith that Myoho-renge-kyo is your life itself.

"The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin", Vol.1, P 3

参考文献:「御書をひもとく」「英語で学ぶ御書」 第三文明社
Bibliography : "The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin"
"The Record of The Orally Transmitted Teachings"

The Writings of NICHIREN DAISHONIN Vol.1
The Writings of NICHIREN DAISHONIN Vol.2




人のために火をともせば・我がまへあきらかなるがごとし - if one lights a fire for others, one will brighten one’s own way.

湿れる木より火を出し乾ける土より水を儲けんが如く強盛に申すなり - praying as earnestly as though to produce fire from damp wood, or to obtain water from parched ground.

蒼蝿驥尾に附して万里を渡り 碧蘿松頭に懸りて千尋を延ぶ - A blue fly, if it clings to the tail of a thoroughbred horse, can travel ten thousand miles, and the green ivy that twines around the tall pine can grow to a thousand feet.