人の身には左右のかたあり、このかたに二つの神 をはします一をば同名・二をば同生と申す - A person’s body has a left and a right shoulder, on which there are two gods.
人の身には左右のかた(肩)あり、このかたに二つの神 をはします(おわします) 一 をば 同名・二 をば 同生と申す、
此の二つの神は梵天(ぼんてん)・帝釈(たいしゃく)・日月(にちがつ)の人を まほらせんが(護らせんが)ために 母の腹の内に入りしより このかた 一生をわる(終る)まで影のごとく眼のごとく・つき随いて(したがいて)候が、
人の悪をつくり 善をなしなむどし候をば・つゆ(露)ちり(塵)ばかりも・のこさず(残さず)天にうたへ(訴え)まいらせ候なるぞ。
四条金吾殿女房御返事(夫婦同心御書)(1135頁) 文永十二年正月
English Translations
" The Unity of Husband and Wife "
A person’s body has a left and a right shoulder, on which there are two gods, one called Same Name and the other, Same Birth. These are two deities whom Brahmā, Shakra, and the gods of the sun and moon have assigned to protect each person. From the time we enter our mother’s womb until the end of our life, they accompany us like our shadow or like our eyes. If we commit an evil act or perform a good deed, they report everything to the heavenly gods without omitting even a detail as minute as a dewdrop or a speck of dust.
"The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin", Vol.1, P 464
参考文献:「御書をひもとく」「英語で学ぶ御書」 第三文明社
Bibliography : "The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin"
"The Record of The Orally Transmitted Teachings"
Bibliography : "The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin"
"The Record of The Orally Transmitted Teachings"