日蓮守護たる処の御本尊を・したため参らせ候事も師子王に・をとるべからず - In inscribing this Gohonzon for her protection, Nichiren was like the lion king.
日蓮 守護たる処の御本尊を・したため参らせ候事も 師子王に・をとるべからず、経に云く「師子奮迅之力」とは是なり、
にちれん しゅご たる ところ の ごほんぞん を・したため まいらせ そうろう こと も ししおう に・おとる べからず、きょう に いわく「しし ふんじん し りき」とは これ なり、
また この まんだら よくよく しんじ させ たもうべし、なんみょうほうれんげきょう は ししく の ごとし・いかなる やまい さわり を なすべきや、きしぼじん・じゅうらせつにょ・ほけきょう の だいもく を たもつ もの を しゅご すべし と みえたり、さいわい は あいぜん の ごとく ふく は びしゃもん の ごとく なるべし
日蓮 守護たる処の御本尊を・したため参らせ候事も 師子王に・をとるべからず、経に云く「師子奮迅之力」とは是なり、
にちれん しゅご たる ところ の ごほんぞん を・したため まいらせ そうろう こと も ししおう に・おとる べからず、きょう に いわく「しし ふんじん し りき」とは これ なり、
また この まんだら よくよく しんじ させ たもうべし、なんみょうほうれんげきょう は ししく の ごとし・いかなる やまい さわり を なすべきや、きしぼじん・じゅうらせつにょ・ほけきょう の だいもく を たもつ もの を しゅご すべし と みえたり、さいわい は あいぜん の ごとく ふく は びしゃもん の ごとく なるべし
Gosho in English
In inscribing this Gohonzon for her protection, Nichiren was like the lion king. This is what the sutra means by “the power [of the Buddhas] that has the lion’s ferocity.”
Believe in this mandala with all your heart. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?
It is written that those who embrace the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra will be protected by the Mother of Demon Children and by the ten demon daughters. Such persons will enjoy the happiness of the wisdom king Craving-Filled and the good fortune of the heavenly king Vaishravana.
Gosho in English
In inscribing this Gohonzon for her protection, Nichiren was like the lion king. This is what the sutra means by “the power [of the Buddhas] that has the lion’s ferocity.”
Believe in this mandala with all your heart. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?
It is written that those who embrace the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra will be protected by the Mother of Demon Children and by the ten demon daughters. Such persons will enjoy the happiness of the wisdom king Craving-Filled and the good fortune of the heavenly king Vaishravana.
" Reply to Kyō’ō "
"The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin", Vol.1, p. 412
in August, 1273
[ --- ] is liberal translation.
Interpretation (liberal translation)"The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin", Vol.1, p. 412
in August, 1273
[ --- ] is liberal translation.
Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is like a roar of the lion.
Any kind of hardships or diseases never be obstacles to attaining to the Buddhahood.
You should be prayer strongly, and chant the DAIMOKU, "The disease surely be cured".
SHOTEN-ZENJIN, the Goodness Gods are protect you who keep the DAIMOKU of the Lotus Sutra.
and your hardships or disease will surely overcome, and rececive the Benefit.
Bibliography :
"The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin"
"The Record of The Orally Transmitted Teachings"
Bibliography :
"The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin"
"The Record of The Orally Transmitted Teachings"