元品の法性は梵天・帝釈等と顕われ元品の無明は第六天の魔王と顕われたり - The fundamental nature of enlightenment manifests itself as Brahmā and Shakra, whereas the fundamental darkness manifests itself as the devil king of the sixth heaven.
法華宗の心は一念三千・性悪性善・妙覚の位に猶 備われ
元品の法性は梵天・帝釈等と顕われ 元品の無明は第六天の魔王と顕われたり
ほっけしゅう の こころ は いちねん さんぜん・しょうあく しょうぜん・みょうかく の くらい に なお そなわれ
がんぽん の ほっしょう は ぼんてん・たいしゃく とう と あらわれ がんぽん の むみょう は だいろくてん の まおう と あらわれたり
法華宗の心は一念三千・性悪性善・妙覚の位に猶 備われ
元品の法性は梵天・帝釈等と顕われ 元品の無明は第六天の魔王と顕われたり
ほっけしゅう の こころ は いちねん さんぜん・しょうあく しょうぜん・みょうかく の くらい に なお そなわれ
がんぽん の ほっしょう は ぼんてん・たいしゃく とう と あらわれ がんぽん の むみょう は だいろくてん の まおう と あらわれたり
Gosho in English
The heart of the Lotus school is the doctrine of three thousand realms in a single moment of life, which reveals that both good and evil are inherent even in those at the highest stage of perfect enlightenment.
The fundamental nature of enlightenment manifests itself as Brahmā and Shakra, whereas the fundamental darkness manifests itself as the devil king of the sixth heaven.
Gosho in English
The heart of the Lotus school is the doctrine of three thousand realms in a single moment of life, which reveals that both good and evil are inherent even in those at the highest stage of perfect enlightenment.
The fundamental nature of enlightenment manifests itself as Brahmā and Shakra, whereas the fundamental darkness manifests itself as the devil king of the sixth heaven.
" The Treatment of Illness "
"The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin", Vol.1, p. 1113
June, 1278.
[ --- ] is liberal translation.
Interpretation (liberal translation)By comparing the doctrine of three thousand realms, the root of Nichiren Buddhism, with the good and evil of a person's heart, both the heart of goodness and the heart of evil are inherent in the nature of the person's heart. Therefore, even if the border of Buddha is opened, the true nature of the heart does not disappear, and all aspects of the heart (the doctrine of three thousand realms) are keep provided.
By this doctrine, the Buddhist nature opened by the heart of goodness is manifested as a blessing of SHOTEN-ZENJIN:the All Goodness of Gods; And in the heart of evil that has fallen into obscurity, it appears as the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven.
Bibliography :
"The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin"
"The Record of The Orally Transmitted Teachings"
Bibliography :
"The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin"
"The Record of The Orally Transmitted Teachings"