法華経一部の肝心は南無妙法蓮華経の題目にて候 - the heart of the Lotus Sutra is its title, or the daimoku, of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

一切の事につけて所詮・肝要と申す事あり、法華経一部の肝心は 南無妙法蓮華経の題目にて候、

朝夕 御唱え 候はば  正く 法華経一部を真読 にあそばすにて候、二返唱うるは二部 乃至 百返は百部・千返は千部・加様に 不退に御唱え候はば 不退に法華経を読む人にて候べく候


English Gosho

 Everything has its essential point, and the heart of the Lotus Sutra is its title, or the daimoku, of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
 Truly, if you chant this in the morning and evening, you are correctly reading the entire Lotus Sutra. Chanting daimoku twice is the same as reading the entire sutra twice, one hundred daimoku equal one hundred readings of the sutra, and one thousand daimoku, one thousand readings of the sutra.

 Thus, if you ceaselessly chant daimoku, you will be continually reading the Lotus Sutra.
" The One Essential Phrase "
July, 1278.
"The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin", Vol.1, p. 923
[ --- ] is liberal translation.
「御書をひもとく」「英語で学ぶ御書」 第三文明社
Bibliography : "The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin"
"The Record of The Orally Transmitted Teachings"



人のために火をともせば・我がまへあきらかなるがごとし - if one lights a fire for others, one will brighten one’s own way.

湿れる木より火を出し乾ける土より水を儲けんが如く強盛に申すなり - praying as earnestly as though to produce fire from damp wood, or to obtain water from parched ground.

蒼蝿驥尾に附して万里を渡り 碧蘿松頭に懸りて千尋を延ぶ - A blue fly, if it clings to the tail of a thoroughbred horse, can travel ten thousand miles, and the green ivy that twines around the tall pine can grow to a thousand feet.