詮ずるところは天もすて給え諸難にもあえ身命を期とせん - This I will state. Let the gods forsake me. Let all persecutions assail me. Still I will give my life for the sake of the Law.
本文 詮ずるところは天もすて給え諸難にもあえ身命を期とせん せんずる ところ は てん も すて たまえ しょなん にも あえ しんみょう を ご と せん SEN ZURU TOKORO WA TEN MO SUTE TAMAE SHO-NAN NIMO AE SHINMYO WO GO TO SEN 開目抄・下 かいもくしょう・げ KAIMOKUSHO GE [人本尊開顕の書] にんほんぞんかいけんのしょ NIN HONZON KAIKEN NO SHO (232頁) 文永9年2月 (1272年) 通解(意訳) 諸天善神が日蓮を見捨てるなら、見捨てるがよい。様々な難にも遭おう。命を投げうって正法を弘める覚悟である。 英語で御書 Gosho in English This I will state. Let the gods forsake me. Let all persecutions assail me. Still I will give my life for the sake of the Law. " The Opening of the Eyes " Part two. "The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin", Vol.1, p. 280 in February, 1272. [ --- ] is liberal translation. Interpretation (liberal translation) Even if I'll also meet with various difficulties even if a goodness god of gods will abandon Nichiren, it's the resolution which throws away the life and propagates just law. Gosho in Japanese 詮 ずる ところ は 天 も すて 給え 諸難 にも あえ 身命 を 期 と せん SEN ZURU TOKORO WA TEN MO SUTE...