おごれる者は必ず強敵に値ておそるる心出来するなり - An arrogant person will always be overcome with fear when meeting a strong enemy.

悪王の正法を破るに 邪法の僧等が方人をなして 智者を失はん時は 師子王の如くなる心をもてる者 必ず仏になるべし 例せば日蓮が如し
これおごれるにはあらず 正法を惜む心の強盛なるべし おごれる者は必ず強敵に値て おそるる心出来するなり

English Gosho
When an evil ruler in consort with priests of erroneous teachings tries to destroy the correct teaching and do away with a man of wisdom, those with the heart of a lion king are sure to attain Buddhahood. Like Nichiren, for example.
I say this not out of arrogance, but because I am deeply committed to the correct teaching.  An arrogant person will always be overcome with fear when meeting a strong enemy.
" Letter from Sado "
"The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin", Vol.1, p. 302
March, 1272.
[ --- ] is liberal translation.
Bibliography :
"The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin"
"The Record of The Orally Transmitted Teachings"



人のために火をともせば・我がまへあきらかなるがごとし - if one lights a fire for others, one will brighten one’s own way.

湿れる木より火を出し乾ける土より水を儲けんが如く強盛に申すなり - praying as earnestly as though to produce fire from damp wood, or to obtain water from parched ground.

蒼蝿驥尾に附して万里を渡り 碧蘿松頭に懸りて千尋を延ぶ - A blue fly, if it clings to the tail of a thoroughbred horse, can travel ten thousand miles, and the green ivy that twines around the tall pine can grow to a thousand feet.